Karl Singporewala is an architect, artist and RWA Academician at the Royal West of England Academy of Art.

As a practising member of the Royal Institute of British Architects, working internationally from London, his architectural practice is always a product of collaboration which focuses on social impact, the role of beauty in buildings and the art of construction and delivery. His sculpture, however, is more personal in nature and embellished by personal circumstances that draw on his Zoroastrian Parsi heritage. Working at the intersection of architecture and sculpture, Karl’s art work focuses on personal events, emotions, human-scale and witnessing. Using Computer Aided Design, laser cutters, photo etching and 3D printers to communicate ideas, follies, symbolism and discourse, his output usually takes the form of a series of maquettes or scale architectural models.

A graduate of De Montfort University Leicester (RIBA/ARB Part I), University of Brighton (RIBA/ARB Part II) and the Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL (RIBA/ARB Part III). He has won numerous international architectural and graduate awards for his art work, which includes being voted ‘One of the UK’s Young Creative Heroes’ by Channel 4 and the Nagoya University Excellence in Art & Architecture award. In 2014 his art work won him the 'People's Choice' HIX Art Award at the Cock 'n' Bull Gallery, Shoreditch London in a competition by chef/restaurateur Mark Hix and artist Tracy Emin aimed at new contemporary artists. His art work also won the inaugural RWA Art Prize for a work by a Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic artist at the Royal West of England Academy of Art 168th Autumn Exhibition in 2020.

Karl was elected as a RWA Academician in 2022, a life-time honour from the Royal West of England Academy of Art. His art work is held in the RWA public collection, the Hamilton Princess Collection Bermuda, as well as private collections world-wide. Exhibitions include the Saatchi Gallery, Onassis Cultural Centre Athens for the Lumen Prize, V&A digital futures, the New York Institute of Technology, the Royal Academy of Arts and the RWA, Bristol.



hix singporewala emin

Chef/Restaurateur Mark Hix and Tracy Emin with Karl Singporewala. Cock n Bull Gallery 2014.


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